Tips to help you pack!
See moving as an opportunity to organize and purge. Make “donate,” “pitch,” and “sell” piles in each room for belongings you no longer want or need.
- Arrange for a charity to come pick up items you plan to donate at the end of your packing schedule.
- Paper is heavy and there is no need to move junk mail or outdated documents. Shred paper with personal information and send it all to the recycling bin.
- Packing can become a trip down memory lane. Resist the temptation and get items packed rather than reminiscing. You’ll have plenty of time to go back and leisurely sift through your belongings after the move.
- Make a moving binder with plastic sleeves for your important information. this will be key to have on the day of your move.
- There is no need to pack a can of beans that expired two years ago. Throw out expired pantry items that are past their prime.
Tips for Moving out of your home!
Make a kit of items that you’ll need to clean your home before you leave. Keep this out until the last possible moment and put it in a box that will be one of the first you unpack in your new space.
- Movers generally value your belongings at 60 cents per pound. Check your homeowner’s policy for coverage and inquire about additional moving insurance on high-ticket items.
- If you or your movers are disassembling furniture, be sure to keep all screws and hardware in a sealable plastic bag that you take with you. Don’t let these important pieces get lost in the shuffle.
- Open every door and drawer in the house as there may be belongings hiding in corners or rarely used cabinets. Check in appliances too; you don’t want to leave dishes in the dishwasher or clothes in the dryer.
Leave a box of information (appliance warranties, a vendor list, favorite local stores and restaurants, etc.) for the new owners. It’s good karma and you would be grateful if someone did the same for you.
- Don’t focus only on packing the interior of your home. Be sure to do a quick sweep of your yard, shed, and garage.
- Note scratches and dings on furniture before you move it. Digital photos are a great way to document pieces and prove the original condition.
- After you pack up table and floor lamps, some rooms will be gloomy with only overhead lighting. Keep a work light or flashlight on hand to move from room to room and to peer into the back of dark closets and cabinets.